Guilt Is An Invitation
Guilt can be a spirit crusher. But only if you let it. It can also be a wise teacher. But only if you let it. Let it be an invitation into learning the ways of deeper love. We’re not made to get...
View ArticleTrading Power for Approval
What have you done in your need for approval? How have you twisted and contorted yourself to meet what you thought another wanted in you or from you? How did you agree to forget your Self in the...
View ArticleLetting Myself Lose
I am always losing, or so it seems. It’s happening all the time. I talk a lot about loss and a lot of my work is predicated on the idea that loss is the path itself to freeing us. Even though it often...
View ArticleChanging Myself to Change My World
Between you and anything that you might wish to influence there is a relationship. If either party in a relationship changes, the relationship itself is changed. In turn, any change in the relationship...
View ArticleBare Your Heart
I used to believe, like a lot of us, that the vulnerability involved in sharing my problems, pain, and inner struggle with other people was a sign of weakness. Probably because I’ve always kind of been...
View ArticleThe Opportunity Within
Last year was such a mixed bag. Absolutely amazing and magical at times with so much love and adventure. Absolutely stupefying at times with circumstances I couldn’t have dreamed up if I were in...
View ArticleWe All Have a Story to Tell
Let’s start with one of mine. I was born with a fairly good-sized mole on my face, specifically on my left nostril. That mole has always made me different. It’s unique to me and now I wouldn’t...
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